
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 17:32:18

After breaking up with her,I have been living a lonely and desperated
  (hopeless) life.However,I try to be brave and strong(persisted或tough),as well as to gradually take good care of myself!

  My world has changed without her,nevertheless,the big world outside is still what it used to be.The moon also comes out,the sun still rises.

  I should have learn to let go of it the day when I decided not to love her any more.However,up till now,I have been taken over,it makes my whole body covered with wounds and worn out(exhausted).

  So it's the last time to say that I love you!I won't love you any more!Have you noticed?I won't love you any more!I said it!

  I have been living a lonely and desperated (hopeless) life.用现在完成进行时态最恰当,根据原文意思,孤独从分手持续到现在,还可能一直持续。

  the big world outside is still what it used to be外面的大世界还以一如往常,即没改变,这里只是避免用change使得翻译不生动。

  let go of it 就是放开...或者let it go,举个例子:The best way t